
Note for Hackathon Organizers|Judges|Community

Thank you soo much for organizing this hackathon, I have learned so much during this time and can't thanks you enough. I always had this dream to make a voxel 3D experience in the web, and as I knew the hackathon month ago, I was soo excited to finally make this idea into reality. Also, I have learned so much about web3 with this project. So excited about where this project leads.

Little about denosaurabh (Saurabh Gupta)

Hi, I am Saurabh Gupta, 17 y"old Independent Front End developer & designer from India. I am a self taught developer and specializing as a Front end developer for the past 3 years

About this project

A NFT marketplace in an interactive 3d experience.

Applicable Categories
  • -Core Prizes
  • -Best NFT/Gaming
  • -Community Choice Projects
  • -Best Projects Prize Pool
  • -Best metaverse tooling project
Video Showcase of this project


Vision for this project

Think of the current project as a prototype of my imagination or goal of the project. There's yet soo much that I want to add & improve into this project like adding Multiplayer Chat, Clans, Groups, NFT Bidding etc etc....

Other details about the Project
  • - All the code, artwork and 3d models are exclusively made by denosaurabh. Except for theFontand Royalty free music
  • - The project is made only during the timeline of hackathon (19Nov-12Dec 2021), including the code, 3d models, art & design.
  • - The source code for the project is currently now public, at https://github.com/denosaurabh/quark
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